For an unhurried holiday, to restore body & soul..
Naigani Island Places of Interest


Naigani Resort
Naigani Village

A Brief History of Naigani Island
Naigani Island was first inhabited almost 3,000 years ago, when the prehistoric Pacific Ocean faring Lapita people, the ancestors of the Polynesian and Micronesian races, settled on the south eastern tip of Naigani Island.
Foundation work for the Resort uncovered pottery sherds that were identified as Lapita pottery, removed off site by the Fiji Museum, and carbon dated to c.800 BCE. The nearby island of Moturiki was another of only a few Lapita settlements in Fiji.
Nasolilailai Islet
The small island directly in front of the resort, and a short walk from Riley's at low tide on foot. Considered taboo in island oral history which places ancient and historic burial sites on its summit.
Wailevu Fort
This centuries old fort Is an uphill hike from the Resort, and was built as a sanctuary of refuge during the time of the Fijian tribal wars. It is positioned on the highest point of the island's volcanic vent. With its narrow front and steep cliff to the rear, it is protected on both sides by mountain rock walls rendering it defendable by a small number of warriors against a large attacking force fighting uphill.
Canabuli Bay
Is a sheltered deep water bay with fringing reefs on both sides with the beautiful white sand Canabuli Beach, also known as Picnic Beach. Located on the northern side of the island a short boat ride from the resort. Island oral history marks this as the first landing place of Lutunasobasoba on Naigani Island, beaching his war canoe, and anchoring it to a rock to effect repairs to the damaged ketch. The bay was thus named ca-na-buli (the bad ketch).
Sacred Sova Bay
Is a special place believed to be connected to an inland pond where sardines spawn. The bay is a reserved breeding place for sardines ("Daniva") bait fish, which attract Trevally and other larger fish to the island, providing a food supply for the Village. Only Naigani Islanders are permitted fish in this bay, using hand thrown casting nets only. The amount of fish that can be eaten in one day are allowed to be caught, with left overs thrown back into the bay before midnight.
Cannibal Cave
Located between Sova Bay and Naigani Village, and was the place for preparing "long pigs" in pre-Christian times. This naturally sheltered location with direct access to the sea for waste disposal, provided an ideal spot for cooking human flesh. The cave is still marked with soot for those cooking fires.